Unemployment in AlgeriaThis paper aims to clarify the social process of unemployment, in Algeria. Anchored in sociological methodology, it stands on the descriptive method which combines historical approach with the quantitative instrument majorly. Its to


  • Kamel LAHMAR


This paper aims to clarify the social process of unemployment, in Algeria. Anchored in sociological methodology, it stands on the descriptive method which combines historical approach with the quantitative instrument majorly. Its tool is the documental research. The problematic question here is: What are the social strata affected by unemployment in Algeria? The hypothesis studied here is: (a) Unemployment in Algeria affected women. (b) All social strata are affected by unemployment in Algeria. Our findings suggest that this study has shown areas of excellence and areas that need from the government improvement and focus, because the government efforts have contributed little to reducing high rates of unemployment. Despite the enormous potential of Algeria, successive governments didn’t adopt an economy relying on productivity which would benefit the population. The broad movements in unemployment across Algeria explain the shifts in labor market institutions which have a direct significant impact on unemployment because of their broad impact on real labor costs.





How to Cite

LAHMAR, K. (2019). Unemployment in AlgeriaThis paper aims to clarify the social process of unemployment, in Algeria. Anchored in sociological methodology, it stands on the descriptive method which combines historical approach with the quantitative instrument majorly. Its to. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 3(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijreh/article/view/1165