Quality of life at work (QWL) and performance: towards new forms of well-being at work


  • Bouchra Belmouffeq


economic world, performance with productivity, psychotherapist


The technical and socio-organizational changes that deeply mark the economic world the expectations of employees in terms of availability, mobility and flexibility are growing and invite us to rethink the modes of governance of organizations. Robotization and digitization certainly make work abstract and more creative, but metamorphosis means crossing profitability performance with productivity of employees and will-being at work. New technologies reducing the border between family and work space, more than half of executives work outside of the company, as it is difficult to escape the pressure of ", all the time, right now". Dead work tends to replace living work and challenges the human resources function which is required to accompany transformations in order to preserve a favorable, motivating and rewarding social climate in order to acquire highly qualified human potential and ensure its conservation and development. The HR manager is not a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Its mission is not to resolve the personal, relational or emotional difficulties of its employees. However, its responsibility is to generate the best working conditions to boost their performance. He is called upon to create a pleasant, more agile and more flexible environment where everyone will give the best of himself.








How to Cite

Belmouffeq, B. (2020). Quality of life at work (QWL) and performance: towards new forms of well-being at work. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 6(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/2046