The NEUST-SIC Research Hub, A Compendium of Researches


  • Emmanuel Carlos Navarro


Compendium, Report Analytics, Repository, Research Hub, Tracking-system, Work-Flow


This study aimed to design and develop a system entitled The NEUST-SIC Research Hub - a compendium of researches that aimed to integrate the researches conducted by members of the faculty, staff and selected students into one repository hub. The primary goal of this study was to develop a research repository. This repository will be used to collect, manage and store the researches. This system records all the electronic research outputs, research publications, and working research papers handled by the University Research Services Unit. Other features of the developed system are the following: input and list of campus researches, user accounts for the researchers, profiling of the researchers, a tracking system for working research papers, announcements about the University Research Service Unit activities and an online access web page that displays the published and conducted research. The management of the system will be the sole responsibility of the Research Services Unit department in the coordination of the Management of Information System department. They will manage the use of the system. The maintenance is reserved to the research proponent. The system was evaluated by university research reviewers and selected IT experts who assessed the system’s functionality, efficiency, validity, reliability, maintainability, and portability based on the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 software development standards.








How to Cite

Navarro, E. C. (2020). The NEUST-SIC Research Hub, A Compendium of Researches. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 6(5).