Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies and its influence on the Competitive Advantage


  • Bayad Jamal Ali
  • Govand Anwar


Porter’s Generic Strategy, Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus, Investment, Banking Sector.


The ever-changing competitive business climate poses major hurdles to investment businesses, particularly the banking sector, as well as any other firm in Iraq's Kurdistan area, and business managers have been striving to stay competitive. Porter demonstrated that pursuing a competitive generic strategy can lead to a stronger competitive advantage. The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of Porter's generic strategies on competitive advantage in the investment industry, specifically in the banking sector. Also, which strategy is superior to the others in terms of gaining a competitive advantage in the investing industry? The data in this study was analyzed using a qualitative method. In Erbil, a random sample method was employed to collect data from private banks. The sample size for this study was 128 units, whereas the population was roughly 210 units. According to multiple regression analysis, the researcher discovered that cost leadership has a strong predictive value for competitive advantage (Beta is weight 0.708, p.001), indicating that cost leadership approach will have a direct beneficial impact on competitive advantage. The initial hypothesis was confirmed as a result of these findings. In terms of the second research hypothesis, differentiation strategy has a weak positive influence on competitive advantage (Beta is weight 0.180, p.001), implying that differentiation strategy has a weak positive impact on competitive advantage. The second hypothesis was supported based on these findings, and the third research hypothesis was supported based on these findings: focus strategy has significantly predicted competitive advantage (Beta is weight 0.102, p.001), indicating that focus strategy will have a weak positive impact on competitive advantage.







How to Cite

Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021). Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies and its influence on the Competitive Advantage. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 7(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/3694