Impact of Maintenance on the Quality of Pig Farms


  • Flores Sánchez Verónica
  • Hernández Pedraza Leticia
  • Vallejo Hernández Arely
  • Vásquez Rosas Sergio
  • Juaréz Borbonio Jesús
  • Chama Esteban José Luis


Quality, Pig Farms, Maintenance.


The 21st century clearly demonstrates the role that quality plays both in small businesses and in international companies, globalization has brought with it more demanding customers and an increasingly wide market, where the only thing that can allow companies to stay in said market is to offer consumers quality products. Juran (1993) stated "quality is simply the suitability for use satisfying the customer's needs". The pig sector and its derivatives are an important source of employment that contributes to the development of society by guaranteeing food security and supplying the needs of the population. However, many times the quality of work in pig farms is not the best, while the importance of these farms is increasing. The present investigation took place in the company Agroindustrias de Córdoba S.A de C.V. This company has the need to develop a quality control protocol, since the industrial maintenance that the company carries out is having a negative impact on the quality of the pigs that Agroindustrias de Córdoba S.A de C.V sells. This research aims to assess the impact of industrial maintenance on the quality of work in the Agroindustrias de Córdoba S.A de C.V farm in order to generate a more efficient quality control protocol. For the development of the research, methodologies such as total quality and mode analysis and failure effect were considered, to name a few.







How to Cite

Verónica, F. S., Pedraza Leticia, H., Arely, V. H., Sergio, V. R., Jesús, J. B., & José Luis, C. E. (2021). Impact of Maintenance on the Quality of Pig Farms. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 7(7).