Public Relations Between the School and the Family and its Reflections on the Scientific Level of Students: A Case Study


  • Dr. Ethar Tareq Khaleel


Public relations, the family, the school and academic qualification


The relationship between the family and the school constitutes a turning point in the scientific and cognitive level of school students, especially in the intermediate and secondary levels, as it is an important and pivotal stage in the student’s life and must be followed up and coordinated between its parties in order to reach the student’s scientific level, and the positive relationship between these parties will lead to the formation of a generation of students who are able to build themselves and raise their capabilities, and the most prominent results of this research are as follows:- 1- There is great agreement in support of the research sample (teachers and parents) to pay attention to the issues of academic excellence and cooperation between the family and the school. 2- There is great agreement in the lack of support of the research sample (teachers and parents) in the topics of the impact of educational lessons on educational television on the educational level and the repercussions of private educational lessons at the level of students. 3- There is great agreement and support among the research sample (teachers and parents) regarding the development of relations between the school and the family to enhance solidarity and social solidarity. 4- There is consensus not to support the existence of treating individual differences and solving emotional problems for students by the school and the family, and this indicates the weakness of the relationship and coordination between them. The topics of observing students' behavior and discussing undesirable behaviors and phenomena practiced by some students got the support of the sample from both sides, the family and the school.








How to Cite

Tareq Khaleel, D. E. (2021). Public Relations Between the School and the Family and its Reflections on the Scientific Level of Students: A Case Study. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 7(7).