Solidary Economy as a Sustainability and Social Transformation Perspective for Artisan Fisheries in Bahia Semiarid


  • Dajana Gabriella Nóbrega Santos da Silva
  • Dr. Adriana Maria Cunhada Silva


In this article we discuss solidarity economy as one of the models of economic development and the perspective of social transformation in the face of capitalism. From the analysis of points of view of authors who bring to the center of the discussion this economic model. The research discusses within the context of human emancipation in communities the interdisciplinary understanding of local development, solidarity, dignity, culture and sustainability. The object of study is the reality of the Colony of Fishermen and Aquaculture Z-86, in Bahian semiarid. The methodology used consisted of a review of specific literature, in order to associate the theoretical debate with the academic one. This research is expected to assist readers and scholars in the area in understanding the self-management attitudes and social relations that occur when practicing solidarity economy; serving as a guiding axis for future decisions, anchored in valorization initiatives, guiding new discussions on the paradigms of artisanal fishery organization, especially with regard to income generation, with the focus on local development and the role of artisanal fishermen.







How to Cite

da Silva, D. G. N. S., & Silva, D. A. M. C. (2019). Solidary Economy as a Sustainability and Social Transformation Perspective for Artisan Fisheries in Bahia Semiarid. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(10).