Forays into the Field of Science, Technology and Society in Northeastern Brazil through Systematic Mapping


  • Evaldo Raymundo Dias da Silva
  • Ricardo José Rocha Amorim


This scientific work investigates the referrals in educational practices Science-Technology-Society in the context of northeastern Brazil, contemplates the presence of values of interests in the direction given to scientific-technological development and socio-environmental issues. Science has supported the scientific investigation in the field of Education in many countries and Technology Management Systems, an area of lower visibility, usually referred to the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities. In the specific case of Science Education, this discussion also exists, with some authors choosing the term Science Education and other Science Education. It is a position of epistemological nature that has a lot to do with the objects of study, the scientific Education of the non-specialist citizen or, in the second case, the scientific Education in curricular context.In the case of one or the other, they take as crucial the development of scientific culture as an integral part of democratic citizenship. It is the perspective of the present work, intending to reflect aspects and guidelines for the teaching of Science in an orientation of scientific culture, a concept of polysemy that always includes knowledge of content, development of critical awareness about the potential and limitations of Science and adoption of attitudes and behaviors according to the social role of each one. Thus, we signal the need to assume a new objective in educational processes, besides empowering the participation in decision-making processes involving the formulation of public policies for Science-Technology.







How to Cite

Silva, E. R. D. da, & Amorim, R. J. R. (2019). Forays into the Field of Science, Technology and Society in Northeastern Brazil through Systematic Mapping. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(10).