Active methodologies with the use of integrated mock-ups to the teaching of the logistic subject


  • Reinaldo Toso Júnior
  • Luis Borges Gouveia


This report is about the use of an active methodology by means of practical activities in a preexisting multimodal mock-up that serves as a teaching instrument. It happened in the night business management technology undergraduate course in the fourth semester. The logistic and practice subject involved the integration of the logistic knowledge and the mock-up by the means of the use of QRCODE tags that could send the visitor to the mock-up to a website where there is an explanatory text for each situation of the mock-up. Concomitant with this activity the student also can insert the company that they created in the course integrator project (CIP) in the mock-up in a way that was coherent and credible with the context. The goals had been met successfully in a way that students could not just integrate knowledge, but also theoretical and practical aspects.







How to Cite

Júnior, R. T., & Gouveia, L. B. (2019). Active methodologies with the use of integrated mock-ups to the teaching of the logistic subject. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).