Communication Strategies in Rural Tourism Routes in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Tools for Capturing Tourists


  • Marcelo Pellegrini
  • Morgana Secchi
  • Ana Claudia Machado Padilha
  • Amanda Regina Leite
  • Jaqueline Berdian de Oliveira
  • Geizi de Cássia Bettin do Amarante


Tourism is consolidating itself as one of the fastest growing economic activities in the world. Thus, it is necessary to use tools to publicize enterprises that are part of tourist routes. In this context, the objective of the study is to identify the dissemination practices implemented by the tourism route enterprises in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through the marketing mix literature with emphasis on promotion.For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out and the interview technique used, structured script with a priori determined categories that emerged from the literature review for six tourism routes in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, accounting for 31 researched enterprises, where responses were recorded, recorded, tabulated and analyzed with the support of Microsoft® Excel ™ software. As significant data from the study, it is considered that the use of communication tools in the dissemination of tourism routes in the state is presented as a strategy for promoting tourist destinations, since most of these tools are accessible and easily accessible to the public.







How to Cite

Pellegrini, M., Secchi, M., Padilha, A. C. M., Leite, A. R., Oliveira, J. B. de, & Amarante, G. de C. B. do. (2019). Communication Strategies in Rural Tourism Routes in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Tools for Capturing Tourists. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).