An Analysis of Delay Causing Factors in Implementation of working construction Project (Case Study: Building of the Agriculture Office in Masohi City, Central Maluku Regency)


  • Jevericov Tetelepta
  • Nelda Maelissa
  • Abraham Tuanakotta


Agriculture Office Construction Project located in Masohi City, Central Maluku. In this agricultural office construction project the project owner worked together with the Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning in Central Maluku. The contractor is PT. Olovia Indah and her consultant is CV. Tricipta Consultant. Building level 2 with a size of 88m x 14m, contract value of Rp. 4.7221 billion ,the source of the funds is district budget. Central Maluku. The duration of work is 150 days, in working day reseacherbut the realization is more than 150 days.Based on this problem, the reseacher are interested in analyzing the factors causing delays in the implementation of construction project work.The method was Principal Component Analysis ( Principal Component Analysis ) is the analysis of multivariate transforming the variables of origin which are correlated into new variables that are not correlated with reducing the number of these variables so as to have smaller dimensions, but can be explained largely diversity of original variables. The data collection techniques in this study are the interview method, observation method and literature method.There were 26 respondents and 22 variables obtained 9 Main Components. The number of factors formed is seen in the Initial Eigen Values Total which is equal to or greater than one (ƛ ≥ 1). Component 1 (project resource factor) is the most influential component among the other components. This is indicated by the highest total component eigen value (factor) was 4,200 with variables: (Discipline of labor, Damage to materials in the workplace, storage place for materials / materials, Late payment by the owner). The least effect on the construction implementation, namely Component 9 (Surrounding environment), this component (factor) had a total eigen value of 1.083 with variables: (Surrounding environment).







How to Cite

Tetelepta, J., Maelissa, N., & Tuanakotta, A. (2019). An Analysis of Delay Causing Factors in Implementation of working construction Project (Case Study: Building of the Agriculture Office in Masohi City, Central Maluku Regency). International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).