Schooling of Itinerant Children: Circus Families – A bibliographical Study


  • Luama Soraia Coelho Lins
  • Luiz Antônio Costa de Santana
  • Brenda Thaise Cerqueira de Souza
  • Carlos Alberto Batista Santos


This paper aims to evaluate the educational assistance of itinerant children, analyzing the dynamics of formal and informal education of circus children, considering the current legislation that regulates the guidelines of this group inside the Brazilian educational landscape. For this purpose, bibliographic research has been carried out, from the survey of theoretical references previously analyzed and published, to express and discuss the social and cultural context of people in situations of recurrent migration, particularly school-age children attended by various schools scattered throughout Brazil. The results found has shown that formal education is challenging to access and has several issues. In this respect, some topics are highlighted, such as the lack of vacancies, irregular documentation, and the hostile environment that itinerants face, as well as other limitations, inclusive the precise quantification of circus students and the indicative rate of school dropout.







How to Cite

Lins, L. S. C., Santana, L. A. C. de, Souza, B. T. C. de, & Santos, C. A. B. (2019). Schooling of Itinerant Children: Circus Families – A bibliographical Study. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).