Quality of Life in Voice, Vocal Changes and Voice Intelligibility of Teachers


  • Ariadine Ione Ferreira de Moura
  • Leonardo Rodrigues Sampaio
  • Francisco Alves Pinheiro


Objective: to analyze the quality of life in voice and vocal changes in teachers of Reference High Schools in the city of Petrolina/PE, and to analyze the levels of noise in classrooms and intelligibility of the teacher’s voices in the same schools. Methods: the present study was performed in five all-day full schools and half-day. Three classrooms in each school were evaluated (n=5). Three classrooms in each school were evaluated (n=15) in the morning and in the afternoon shifts. of the city of Petrolina/PE (n=5). Three classrooms in each school were evaluated (n=15) in the morning and afternoon shifts. Eighteen teachers participated in the study and the following instruments were used: Quality of Life in Voice Protocol (QVV) and a semi-structured interview script. In order to verify noise, a decibel meter and a dosimeter were used. Results: Teachers had lower vocal quality of life in the total and physical domains, while most reported feeling vocal alterations. On the other hand, the environmental analysis indicated high levels of noise and a possible interference in the intelligibility of the teacher’s speeches. Conclusion: The data demonstrate the need for more studies regarding the topic, and more care with the voices of the teachers.




How to Cite

Moura, A. I. F. de, Sampaio, L. R., & Pinheiro, F. A. (2019). Quality of Life in Voice, Vocal Changes and Voice Intelligibility of Teachers. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/1412