Development of functional cake with probiotics and prebiotics for insertion in the diet of elderly institucionalized elderly


  • Sara Vitória da Silva Souza
  • Rosângela dos Santos Souza
  • Victória Luiza Lima da Silva
  • Ramon Silva de Oliveira
  • Victor Novais Costa
  • Flávia Teresa de Oliveira Castedo
  • Marijara Vilas Boas Silva
  • Anny Carolinny Tigre Almeida Chaves
  • Juçara Alvarindo Brito Soledade


Studies have been performed by aiming at the identification of new bioactive compounds and the establishment of scientific bases to prove the pleadings of functional properties of foods. This study had as the goal to develop a functional cake with probiotics and prebiotics for insertion in the diet of elderly institutionalized residents. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with elderly people residents in a Long Stay Institution (LSI) in Feira de Santana-BA. Two analyzes were performed, being one sensory of the attributes: aroma, taste, color, texture and overall impression, and other one of acceptability. Chemical composition analysis was also performed by considering the following determinations: moisture (greenhouse at 105 ° C) and ash (muffle 550 ° C). Therefore, it was observed that the two formulations offered had a satisfactory acceptance, demonstrating the viability and excellent nutritional value, both formulations had a satisfactory acceptance, demonstrating the viability, and especially for their excellent nutritional value. Besides that, the chemical composition analysis in both formulations presented moisture content considered high, possibly due to the large amount of fibers present in its formulation. The ash contents were slightly different but not very discordant. It is concluded that the possibility of using green banana biomass and kefir fermented in cake formulations demonstrated potential for market acceptance and purchase, including with the replacement of wheat flour, for presenting important nutritional and functional values to the health of the consumers, especially in elderly people.




How to Cite

Souza, S. V. da S., Souza, R. dos S., Silva, V. L. L. da, Oliveira, R. S. de, Costa, V. N., Castedo, F. T. de O., Silva, M. V. B., Chaves, A. C. T. A., & Soledade, J. A. B. (2019). Development of functional cake with probiotics and prebiotics for insertion in the diet of elderly institucionalized elderly. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(12).