Analysis of failure in extubation of patients admitted to the intensive care unit of a regional hospital in the southern region of Tocantins.


  • Jefferson Rodrigues de Souza
  • André Peres da Silva
  • Marcella Soares Carreiro Sales
  • Warly Neves de Araújo
  • Adriana Arruda Barbosa Rezende
  • Geovane Rossone Reis
  • Janne Marques Silveira
  • Sávia Denise Carlotto Hererra
  • Cassia Alves de Carvalho
  • Mylena Galdino de Melo
  • Taiany Neves de Araújo
  • Áktor Hugo Teixeira
  • ucas França Marra
  • Pricila Zancanella


Introduction: Mechanical ventilation (MV) is one of the forms of treatment of serious patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Since most patients who undergo removal from ventilatory support, i.e., extubation, are successful. However, a proportion of these have the inability to manage spontaneous breathing after removal of the artificial airway. Objective: To analyze the failure in the extubation of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit of a Regional Hospital in the Southern Region of Tocantins. Methodology: The research was carried out through a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study with documentary survey conducted in the medical records and analysis of conducts/evaluations performed by on-call physiotherapists on the day of the extubation of patients in the ICU, from October 1, 2018, to March 6, 2019. Patients aged ≥ 14 years, with any pathology and extubated in the hospital ICU were included. Results: Of the nineteen patients followed by the study, fifteen (78.95%) achieved success in extubations and four (21.05%) failure in extubations. Of the 15 patients who succeeded in extubations, only 1 patient (6.67%) died, while the 04 patients who did not succeed in extubations, half (50%) died. Conclusion: This result of failure in extubation resulted in the hospital sector greater financial impact, as well as in health indicators, among them, the increase in the mortality rate and length of stay of hospitalization. Future studies with longer time and for greater reliability are recommended to use in all extubation processes a specific protocol with greater adherence of the health team to perform pre-extubal tests.




How to Cite

Souza, J. R. de, Silva, A. P. da, Sales, M. S. C., Araújo, W. N. de, Rezende, A. A. B., Reis, G. R., Silveira, J. M., Hererra, S. D. C., Carvalho, C. A. de, Melo, M. G. de, Araújo, T. N. de, Teixeira, Áktor H., Marra, ucas F., & Zancanella, P. (2019). Analysis of failure in extubation of patients admitted to the intensive care unit of a regional hospital in the southern region of Tocantins. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(12).