A Review on Economical Design of Intz Water Tank as per IS-875-III, for Wind Speed in India


  • Sapan Chawla
  • Sagar Jamle
  • Kundan Meshram


Overhead Water Tank had been the primary and the most fundamental piece of pretty much every task. Because of increment of population consistently, it is important to offer water request to the different purposes, for example, mechanical use, cultivating, residential use, for drinking reason and so on. The capacity of water is principal done by introduction of Overhead Water Tank. The piece of land has been seen expanding step by step over some stretch of time and it is important to productive utilization of a large portion of its part inside the limit that is a significant issue. Various works dependent on various stockpiling tank criteria alongside the perspectives on different specialists are referenced in literature survey. The paper contributes by breaking down the past work finished with the similar investigation of cost adequacy with linkage to the gap of the study and proposed work.




How to Cite

Chawla, S., Jamle, S., & Meshram, K. (2020). A Review on Economical Design of Intz Water Tank as per IS-875-III, for Wind Speed in India. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/1578