Mediated Information and Flipped Classroom - Information Retention Level Assessment


  • Armando Silva
  • Paula Quadros-Flores


The Flipped Classroom methodology uses audiovisual products in general and video in particular as a means to make content available to students. In this study, we intend to verify and evaluate if there are significant differences in the retention of information mediated by the audiovisual products according to the type of resource that carries it. For this purpose we created eleven prototypes using the "Articulate Storyline ©" program. In these prototypes the information was presented exclusively in the following typologies of resources: i) Video; ii) Video, Audio and Text; iii) Video and Text, iv) Video and Audio; v) Image, Audio and Text; vi) Image and Text; vii) Image and Audio; viii) Image; ix) Audio and Text; x) Text; xi) Audio. In this study, the data revealed that the average levels of information retention mediated by the various typologies of resources were higher than 60%, either immediately after receiving the information or after eight days; and that the highest retention occurred when information is mediated through video, audio and text simultaneously with 92.31% and the lowest retention when information is only available through the 64.62% image.







How to Cite

Silva, A., & Quadros-Flores, P. (2019). Mediated Information and Flipped Classroom - Information Retention Level Assessment. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8).