Factors that Interfere in the Mental Health of undergraduate Students


  • Sara Falcão de Sousa
  • Vinicius Batista Tavares de Oliveira
  • Carmem Bandeira Soares
  • Aline Matos de Carvalho Berto
  • Andreisa Prieb, Eros Silva Claúdio
  • Jaqueline Cibene Moreira Borges
  • Larlla Veruska Arrates Pires
  • Millena Pereira Xavier
  • Natallia Moreira Lopes Leão
  • Saulo José de Lima Júnior
  • Vanderson Ramos Mafra
  • Yara Silveira


Mental health, Self-medication, Psychotropic


Target audience who immediately consider psychotropics are academics, often because the university environment is conducive to numerous risk factors. To make a bibliographic review of the factors that interfere in the mental health of undergraduate students. Was a consultation of scientific production in national journals, theses, dissertations, articles, and academic books. For a better understanding of the factors that are: stress, depression, smoking, unemployment, unbalanced eating habits, and physical inactivity. The importance of the existence of psychological support service to meet social and emotional demand, through which it may be able to manifest itself early and become aware that it can come to a face them.







How to Cite

de Sousa, S. F., de Oliveira, V. B. T., Soares, C. B., Berto, A. M. de C., Claúdio, A. P. E. S., Borges, J. C. M., Pires, L. V. A., Xavier, M. P., Leão, N. M. L., Júnior, S. J. de L., Mafra, V. R., & Silveira, Y. (2020). Factors that Interfere in the Mental Health of undergraduate Students. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/1843