Nursing Care for Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Based on the Environmental Theory


  • Lidiane Assunção de Vasconcelos
  • Andrea Dos Santos Mendes Gomes
  • Lauany Vitoria Ferreira Corrêa
  • Liuan Ferreira Campelo da Silva
  • Mariene de Jesus Austríaco Castro
  • Tamylle Daniele Guimarães Dias
  • Wenison Batista Costa
  • Stephany Siqueira Braga
  • Kelly Adriani dos Santos Baeta
  • Cibele Maria de Almeida
  • Adriana do Santos Mendes Gomes
  • Raimunda Silva Gatti Norte
  • Lauricéia Valente de Oliveira
  • Mariana Valente de Oliveira


Health Education, Nursing, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Experience Report, Nursing Theory


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory, autoimmune, chronic disease of unknown etiology that can affect several organs and tissues. Parallel to this, the environmental theory, has as focus the environment, and the role of nursing is to maintain the balance of this environment, prioritizing the provision of an environment that stimulates and facilitates the development of health for the patient. Therefore, an educational action was proposed to promote a greater explanation and approach about the environmental conditions that the individual will be exposed to and which will influence the exacerbation of the disease. The activity was developed through the problematization methodology by the Arco de Maguerez. Explanatory folders were prepared containing information and guidance on the disease and the care related to environmental factors that could trigger a manifestation or possible reactivation of the pathology was emphasized. There was a great acceptance of the material distributed by the students and strong interaction between patients and the health team, through questions directed to the students at the time of the explanation and exposure of the folders, which were instantly remedied, in a way that evidenced the absorption of the information. guidelines passed on and sensitized patients to change habits. Therefore, health professionals are fundamental agents of change, who use their power of influence to promote the change of habits and stigmas that are disseminated by the lack of information, providing greater understanding and knowledge about the variables of the disease, and the necessary care for maintaining the health of SLE patients.







How to Cite

Vasconcelos, L. A. de, Gomes, A. D. S. M., Corrêa, L. V. F., Silva, L. F. C. da, Castro, M. de J. A., Dias, T. D. G., Costa, W. B., Braga, S. S., Baeta, K. A. dos S., Almeida, C. M. de, Gomes, A. do S. M., Gatti Norte, R. S., Oliveira, L. V. de, & Oliveira, M. V. de. (2020). Nursing Care for Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Based on the Environmental Theory. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(4).