Teacher Training and Pedagogical Assistance in Distance Education


  • Ágata Laisa Laremberg Alves Cavalcanti
  • Antonia Dalva França-Carvalho


The present study aims to understand the teacher training and pedagogical assistance processes in distance education (EaD). The study is a bibliographic research based on some authors, the current legislation on the distance education, among others. We identified that the distance teacher training has legal protection, which legitimizes, organizes and operationalizes its action in Brazil. Through didactic-methodological mediation and the use of TIC, it is possible to overcome the distance in the time and space in which the distance formative processes take place. Furthermore, the knowledge acquisition is possible in the Virtual Learning Environment, when the tutor, as mediator of the learning process stimulates and challenges students to reflect and build their knowledge individually or collectively with their colleagues in this cyberspace training. Through the proposed reflections, the present study contributes to understanding the distance education for teacher training, besides the criticisms that this education model receives in the educational scenario.







How to Cite

Cavalcanti, Ágata L. L. A., & França-Carvalho, A. D. (2019). Teacher Training and Pedagogical Assistance in Distance Education. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/203