Locator Bracelet with QR Code for Elderly People with Alzheimer’s


  • 81Alessandra Custódio da Silva
  • Wenderson de Souza Rodrigues
  • Bruno Pereira Gonçalves
  • Marcelo Alves da Cruz
  • Rilmar Pereira Gomes
  • David Barbosa de Alencar


Alzheimer, Spatial disorientation, Location, QR Code


An accessory for monitoring and offering personal information related to risk situations of patients with Alzheimer's, thereby providing support, security and tranquility for family members and caregivers. A bibliographic research is carried out in this study with focus on on Alzheimer's Disease as well as on the patient's relationship with the family and the care offered to them. Furthermore, a quantitative study is performed, using specific forms and documentary based on public domain documents about the disease. Alzheimer's is an incurable and degenerative disease that affects nerve cells, and is responsible for causing spatial disorientation on memory. Spatial disorientation is one of the recurrent symptoms in with a patient suffering from AD. When the symptoms of this disease start to evolve, some patients do not feel familiar and do not even recognize certain places. The difficulty for family caregivers is noticeable when in dealing with these risk factors. This project is aimed at facilitating the reunion of the elderly with their family by proposing an accessory that provides 24 hours a day monitoring, along with a code that contains the patient's personal information. Given this context, cognitive research is relevant to express the need for minorities, leveraging home security, allowing patients the ability to have their independence for a longer time, without the disease preventing them from completely exercising their daily activities.







How to Cite

Silva, 81Alessandra C. da, Rodrigues, W. de S., Gonçalves, B. P., Cruz, M. A. da, Gomes, R. P., & Alencar, D. B. de. (2020). Locator Bracelet with QR Code for Elderly People with Alzheimer’s. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2074