Bryophytes in Maranhão/Brazil: A New Area, a New Species List


  • Maycon Adams da Silva Bonfim
  • Ronison Ferreira Oliveira
  • Regigláucia Rodrigues Oliveira
  • Gustavo da Silva Gomes
  • Maria de Fátima Veras Araujo
  • Maria Lindalva Alves da Silva
  • Janilde de Melo Nascimento
  • Guilherme Sousa da Silva
  • Domingos Lucas dos Santos-Silva
  • Jailson Costa Gaspar
  • Dominga Hosanira Silva de Sousa
  • Alex Medeiros Silva
  • Paula Regina Pereira Martins
  • Gonçalo Mendes da Conceição


Bryophytes were collected from a Cerrado fragment, located in the municipality of Caxias, Maranhão/Brazil. In the study area, 175 bryophytes were distributed in 12 families (10 mosses and two liverworts), 17 genera (15 mosses and two liverworts) and 23 species (21 mosses and two liverworts). Sematophyllaceae was the most representative family with four species (Trichosteleum subdemissum, Microcalpe subsimplex, Brittonodoxa subpinnata, and Taxithelium planum), followed by Dicranaceae, Fissidentaceae, and Pottiaceae with three species each. The species of bryophytes in the researched area colonized substrates, such as corticolous, terrestrial, rupicolous, epixylics and casmofites. The table shows the families, species, phytogeographic domains in Brazil and colonized substrates.







How to Cite

Bonfim, M. A. da S., Oliveira, R. F., Oliveira, R. R., Gomes, G. da S., Araujo, M. de F. V., Silva, M. L. A. da, Nascimento, J. de M., Silva, G. S. da, Santos-Silva, D. L. dos, Gaspar, J. C., Sousa, D. H. S. de, Silva, A. M., Martins, P. R. P., & Conceição, G. M. da. (2019). Bryophytes in Maranhão/Brazil: A New Area, a New Species List. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8).