Use and Diversity of Medicinal Plants in Aquaculture Practices


  • Elias Fernandes de Medeiros Júnior
  • Eugênio Bispo da Silva Júnior
  • Xenusa Pereira Nunes
  • Rosimeire Morais Cardeal Simão
  • Cleoni Virginio da Silveira
  • Luciana Souza de Oliveira
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Denes Dantas Vieira
  • Xirley Pereira Nunes


Fish farming, Plant extract, Tambaqui, Tilapia


Medicinal plants are widely used in Brazilian folk medicine because of their various properties. Their chemical components have attracted the attention of researchers from the field of animal production, particularly aquaculture. This study aimed to analyze the use of medicinal plants in aquaculture practices. The main results showed that medicinal plants have been used in the management of anesthesia, in antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic treatments, and as growth-promoting additives. When the potential of Brazilian flora is considered, little knowledge has been gained about the use of medicinal plants in aquaculture practices, especially when considering the native species, which may represent an important research front in the development of phytopharmaceuticals for the treatment of diseases of cultured aquatic organisms.







How to Cite

Júnior, E. F. de M., Júnior, E. B. da S., Nunes, X. P., Simão, R. M. C., Silveira, C. V. da, Oliveira, L. S. de, Oliveira, L. M. S. R. de, Vieira, D. D., & Nunes, X. P. (2020). Use and Diversity of Medicinal Plants in Aquaculture Practices. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(6).