Contribution of academic monitoring to the teaching-learning process: Experience report of monitors in the discipline Nursing Care in Emergency and Trauma


  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Márcia Cristina Monteiro dos Reis
  • Jhonata Correa Barbosa
  • Márcia Soraya Quaresma Vera Cruz
  • Thalissa Thaina Santos de Souza
  • Hugo Rogério Baía da Silva
  • Bruno Mesquita Maia
  • Arlena Cristine Fonseca Souza
  • Marcilene Souza da Silveira
  • Gleice de Araújo Steinheuser
  • Isadora da Costa de Souza
  • Sávio Felipe Dias Santos
  • Deisiane da Silva Mesquita
  • Fábyla D’ Tácia Brito Trindade
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Leliane do Nascimento do Espírito Santo
  • Suellen Reis Nogueira
  • Elen Priscila Garcia Assunção de Castro
  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Eloísa Avelino de Sousa França
  • Tatiane Peniche da Silva
  • Ana Paula Loureiro de Brito
  • Luana da Silva Freitas
  • Giselly de Lourdes da Silva Santana
  • Lívia Karolina Silva de Oliveira
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Jasmin Stephany Savaris dos Santos
  • Priscila Oliveira Miranda
  • Juarez Távora Guimarães Neto
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Tobias do Rosário Serrão
  • Adrícia Natália Lima Melo
  • Tanymara Xavier de Morais
  • Beatriz Pinheiro Bechir
  • Susi dos Santos Barreto de Souza
  • Jean Antonio Macedo Martins
  • Jamille da Costa Salvador
  • Adams Brunno Silva
  • Ingrid Luna Baia Viana
  • Ingryd de Paula Aquino da Silva
  • Marcia Ribeiro Santos Grate


Mentors, Learning, Education, Nursing


Objective: To report the experience of monitors of the discipline Nursing Care in Emergency and Trauma in the performance of their academic activities, from August to December 2019. Method: Experience report presenting the experiences of the monitors of the Nursing course at UNAMA (University of the Amazon), Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, on the dynamics developed in the teaching-learning process in the discipline Nursing Care in Emergency and Trauma, taught in the 7th semester of the undergraduate nursing course, in the period referring to the second semester of 2019. Result: During the monitoring experience, activities were carried out in the realistic simulation laboratory, as well as in the classroom, with the purpose of reinforcing the contents of the curricular component, as well as clarifying possible doubts from students about the health care process addressed in classroom by the professor. It is considered that the relevance of academic monitoring in higher education goes beyond the acquisition of a curricular title; because in addition to fostering an intellectual gain in the teaching-learning process, it contributes substantially to the knowledge of the monitored students and, especially, in the relationship between the tutor and the monitor student, significantly favoring the exchange of knowledge. Conclusion: The monitoring contributed to promote the capacity of the monitors in terms of concentration, argumentation and mastery over the group. We emphasize the importance of preparing studies and research carried out and exchanging knowledge that contribute to the intellectual, emotional and social empowerment of student monitors, thus revealing new professional perspectives, with security, competence and skills for a qualitative action in the health teaching process.







How to Cite

Nogueira, M. de A., Reis, M. C. M. dos, Barbosa, J. C., Vera Cruz, M. S. Q., de Souza, T. T. S., da Silva, H. R. B., Maia, B. M., Souza, A. C. F., da Silveira, M. S., Steinheuser, G. de A., de Souza, I. da C., Santos, S. F. D., Mesquita, D. da S., Trindade, F. D. T. B., Junior, E. N. de O., do Espírito Santo, L. do N., Nogueira, S. R., Castro, E. P. G. A. de, Martins, A. C. G. S., … Grate, M. R. S. (2020). Contribution of academic monitoring to the teaching-learning process: Experience report of monitors in the discipline Nursing Care in Emergency and Trauma. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7).