Feasibility Study of Scrap Tires in Civil Construction


  • Lucas Marinho Buzatto
  • William Wilson dos Santos
  • Jose Roberto Moreira Ribeiro Gonçalves
  • Fabiano Batemarco da Silva Martins
  • Marcelo de Jesus Rodrigues da Nóbrega
  • Flavio Maldonado Bentes
  • Hildson Rodrigues de Queiroz


Roof, Tire, Useless, Recycling


This article describes the research carried out, aiming to give an appropriate destination through recycling for the large number of discarded tires. In Brazil, most of the waste tires are reused in different ways, however, there is still a portion that is discarded in an irregular way, therefore, a tire roof was proposed, aiming to lessen the environmental impacts by the disordered disposal and to propose a solution sustainable and more economical than conventional building roofs. The eco-tile presents itself as a technologically viable project, with the greatest obstacle to cultural aspects that are still decisive for the market to adopt this type of solution with recycling of waste tires that are discarded every year. The methodology used was through bibliographic verification in several scientific sources. Based on this, a study was developed with data collected from the company Reciclanip, which reveals the normative responsibilities of the national environment council, highlighting the importance of recycling. Finally, an alternative method was considered to recycle waste tires, using them to create a sustainable eco roof, comparing it with conventional roofs in price, resistance, and durability, highlighting the innovation.







How to Cite

Buzatto, L. M., dos Santos, W. W., Gonçalves, J. R. M. R., Martins, F. B. da S., Rodrigues da Nóbrega, M. de J., Bentes, F. M., & Queiroz, H. R. de. (2020). Feasibility Study of Scrap Tires in Civil Construction. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2231