The importance of Pap smear for the prevention of Cervical Uterine Cancer


  • Aline Matos Carvalho Berto
  • Vanderson Ramos Mafra
  • Sara Falcão de Sousa
  • Saulo José Lima Júnior
  • Bruno Nunes do Vale
  • Cláudio Rychelm Carvalho de Jesus
  • Gleiziane Sousa Lima
  • Larlla Veruska Arrates Pires
  • Jaqueline Cibene Moreira Borges
  • Natallia Moreira Lopes Leão
  • Andreisa Prieb, Yara Silveira
  • Christiane Rodrigues de Paula Marques
  • Nayanne Deusdará Escobar


Cervical Cancer, Preventive Examination, HPV, Prevention, Vaccine


It is a slow-developing malignant neoplasm with a high cure rate when diagnosed early. The most important risk factor is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, with sexual intercourse as the main form of contagion. Contribute to women’s awareness about the importance of performing the preventive examination in the early diagnosis of Cervical Cancer. The expected results are to clarify the risks of cervical cancer (CC) in women’s health and inform the women about the importance of periodic pap smear in the prevention of uterine cancer. This is a descriptive analysis study regarding the importance of performing the Pap smear as early diagnosis and prevention of uterine cancer, description of the cervix, its lesions, and HPV virus infection. It is concluded that the lack of knowledge about the method of prevention of CC is relatively large, with this should occur a better orientation, greater dissemination, and more qualified professionals, thus increasing the adherence of women performing the examination periodically.







How to Cite

Berto, A. M. C., Mafra, V. R., Sousa, S. F. de, Júnior, S. J. L., Vale, B. N. do, de Jesus, C. R. C., Lima, G. S., Pires, L. V. A., Borges, J. C. M., Leão, N. M. L., Silveira, A. P. Y., Marques, C. R. de P., & Escobar, N. D. (2020). The importance of Pap smear for the prevention of Cervical Uterine Cancer. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7).