Biometrics and Election Fraud


  • Shubham Malik


Biometrics, Election Fraud, voting list


As we are moving towards the digital world. Then there is also need for all services to be on digital platform. That’s why the people are dependent on the digital platform because digital platform gives more facalities to the people. It reduce the travelling time as well as the waiting time also. As biometrics is very powerful tool now a day. Every where digitization is used know like in the government and private sector. By seeing the demand of this “why should not election be digital?” . Here in this paper we will discuss the need of the adavance voting system. By which many things are cantrolled first and for most there is no any fraud in this method secondly the paper work is reduced and many more things like counting, cost, time all are saved. Biometric have physolocial as well as behavioural characterstics by which identification of the person is done. Where no two person can have same physiological and behavioral characteristics .By which identification can be done easily. There is no prior need for Voting list generation because every people have there own identity like aadhhar card , driving liecence etc . By the help of these identity they can cast there vote and good accuracy is achieved and voting percentage is achieved. And every person have there right to cate there vote in favour of its representative so that they can get good facilities in future







How to Cite

Malik, S. (2020). Biometrics and Election Fraud. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7).