National School Feeding Program (PNAE): An economic perspective for the family farmers of the municipality of Rio do Sul / SC


  • Daniel Costa Pittaluga
  • Carlos Golembiewski
  • Fernando Cesar Lenzi
  • Vanderléa Ana Meller
  • Maria Glória Dittrich


Formal education in Brazil is benefited by the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), which is destined to the agreed farmers for the production and supplies of part of the food consumed by the students of the public education networks. This study sought to analyze the impacts of PNAE on the evaluation of farmers and managers considering the needs for improvements. It is a qualitative research, the instruments of data collection were questionnaires and interviews with the social actors involved in the program. The results indicate that the farmers evaluated positively PNDE, as it encouraged the production of food, there was an increase in productivity and improvement in family income due to the guaranteed sale of the products; the investments in family agriculture were expanded with the acquisition of machinery and agricultural products generating quality of family life. The factors to be improved were related to the possible increase of the supply and improvement of the price of the products by virtue of the costs of the production, but recognized that it is in the average of the market and with guaranteed return of income. The other managers extol the importance of the program and the incentives to family agriculture; the nutritional factors and food quality of the students were qualified by a nutritionist.







How to Cite

Pittaluga, D. C., Golembiewski, C., Lenzi, F. C., Meller, V. A., & Dittrich, M. G. (2019). National School Feeding Program (PNAE): An economic perspective for the family farmers of the municipality of Rio do Sul / SC. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).