Use of Aerial Images as Support for Cost Analysis of Sewage Collection Networks


  • Dênis Cardoso Parente
  • Caio Sá Honorato
  • Rafael Alves Amorim
  • Larissa Moreira Cardoso
  • Marcelo Brandão Monteiro dos Santos
  • Jucilene da Costa Pereira
  • Daniel Iglesias de Carvalho
  • Edivaldo Alves dos Santos
  • Kaio Vilela Santos
  • Aurélio Pessoas Picanço


Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), budget, sewage collection network, sewer


The present work aims to analyze the applicability of aerial images obtained with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in decision making regarding the choice of sewage collection network in a sector of the city of Palmas - TO. In order to arrive at a cost comparison between simple and double network that meets the necessity of sewerage of the sector studied. Through orthorectified images, it was specifically pointed the types of coverings, quantitative, for the items of demolition, removal and restoration of pavements and sidewalks. The usage of these images aimed to assess the accuracy in the budget of projects of these networks, since the practice used for the preparation of the budgets is made through visual inspection in loco or by estimation, being an expensive, slow and imprecise practice. The studied tool proved to be efficient, as it is possible to verify, with the resolution adopted for the images, the types of coating, precision in the quantitative survey through the orthomosaic.




How to Cite

Parente, D. C., Honorato, C. S., Amorim, R. A., Cardoso, L. M., Santos, M. B. M. dos, Pereira, J. da C., Carvalho, D. I. de, Santos, E. A. dos, Santos, K. V., & Picanço, A. P. (2020). Use of Aerial Images as Support for Cost Analysis of Sewage Collection Networks. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(9).