Evaluation of Quality of Life at Work in a Third-Party Company


  • Weder Ferreira dos Santos
  • Laura Carneiro Silva
  • Magno De Oliveira
  • Layanni Ferreira Sodré
  • Joênes Mucci Pelúzio
  • André Felipe da Silva
  • Zildiney Dantas da Silva
  • Giselle Ferreira Sodre
  • Osvaldo José Ferreira Junior
  • Thaís Alves da Silveira Lourenço Borges


QWL, administration, dimensions


The Quality of Work Life (QWL) is strictly related to satisfaction of employees and the function he/she plays in a company. In this way, QWL should is handled within an institution/company in order to provide a better work environment and conditions to staff. Despite this, many Brazilian institutions still do not exploit QWL to improve productivity. Besides that, they tend to underestimate such a tool due to its association with workers’ satisfaction. The present study had the aim of evaluating the QWL within an outsourcing company, taking into account the employees’ points of view. There were applied 13 questionnaires, randomly distributed among collaborators, in July 2017. For this, the questionnaires contained 24 questions, where 17 of them were distributed into five different satisfaction dimensions. The level of satisfaction was classified as high, average, and low, for each one of the dimensions. The results, obtained from the questionnaire, were exhibited through figures. The verification of satisfaction pointed to some of the company’s weaknesses, considering that the level of satisfaction of some dimensions was qualified as average.




How to Cite

dos Santos, W. F., Silva, L. C., Oliveira, M. D., Sodré, L. F., Pelúzio, J. M., Silva, A. F. da, da Silva, Z. D., Sodre, G. F., Junior, O. J. F., & Borges, T. A. da S. L. (2020). Evaluation of Quality of Life at Work in a Third-Party Company. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(9). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2558