Systematization of Nursing Care for patients with Dimorfa leprosy undergoing treatment for type 2 disability


  • Thainara Braga Soares
  • Fernando Conceição de Lima
  • Viviane Ferraz Ferreira de Aguiar
  • Douglas Carneiro da Cruz
  • Letícia Erica Neves dos Prazeres
  • Jailma Bendelaque Sousa
  • Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno
  • Beatriz Ribeiro Reis
  • Juliana Raiyanni Sousa Neto
  • Yuri Henrique Andrade de Olivera
  • Tatiane de Souza Vasconcelos
  • Mercês Rodrigues Cruz
  • Luane Freitas de Araújo
  • Sara Elene da Silva Mendonça
  • Maria Bárbara Freire Lameira
  • Andreza Cassundé Moraes
  • Brenda Tanielle Dutra Ramos
  • Ana Flavia Áraujo dos Anjos
  • Murilo Elder Ferreira Costa
  • Maria Ruth de Souza Araújo
  • Katielem Melo Vale
  • Alanna Patrícia da Cruz Barros
  • Paula Sousa da Silva Rocha
  • Milena Farah Damous Castanho Ferreira
  • Nathalie Souza Pinheiro
  • Lorena de Paula de Souza Barroso
  • Suenne Paes Carreiro de Aviz
  • Ana Larissa Bendelaqui Cardoso
  • Bianca Campos Oliveira
  • Thainá Chaves de Souza
  • Jully Gabriela Navegantes dos Santos
  • Juliana Conceição Dias Garcez


Nursing Care, Nursing, Leprosy, Wounds and Injuries, Health


Objective: to report the experience of applying Nursing Care Systematization to users with Dimorphic Leprosy in reaction treatment for type 2 disability. Method: This is a descriptive study, like an experience report. The NCS was applied to the user during the nursing consultation to continue to control the Hans de Mal program and n in a Family Health Strategy, located in the Administrative District of Bengui in the city of Belem - PA ; in order to construct the present report, it took five moments . Results: In order to build this report, it took five moments: in the first moment, the ACS responsible for the micro area in which he resides was aware of the patient's history; then, the consultation at the clinic ; the second moment, the problems encountered during the consultation were listed ; in the third moment, the adequate elaboration of the affected Basic Human Needs ; In the fourth moment, the Nursing Diagnoses based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis International and the International Classification of Nursing Practices in Public Health were applied ; In the fifth moment, the expected results were drawn and Finally, in the sixth moment, the nursing interventions and prescriptions were scored . Then a care plan comprising 10 interventional plans. Conclusion: The importance of nursing care for the contribution to the quality of life of the patient, family and community is emphasized, even in difficult moments as in the present study, thus demonstrating the importance of these services at all levels of care.




How to Cite

Soares, T. B., de Lima, F. C., Aguiar, V. F. F. de, da Cruz, D. C., Prazeres, L. E. N. dos, Sousa, J. B., Ueno, T. M. R. L., Reis, B. R., Sousa Neto, J. R., de Olivera, Y. H. A., Vasconcelos, T. de S., Cruz, M. R., Araújo, L. F. de, Mendonça, S. E. da S., Lameira, M. B. F., Moraes, A. C., Ramos, B. T. D., dos Anjos, A. F. Áraujo, Costa, M. E. F., … Dias Garcez, J. C. (2020). Systematization of Nursing Care for patients with Dimorfa leprosy undergoing treatment for type 2 disability. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(10).