Market-oriented Performance Appraisal Model of Traditional Enterprises with Financial Dilemma —A case study of YL company


  • Song Xuelian


Financial Dilemma, Traditional Enterprise, Market-oriented, Performance Appraisal Model, YL Company


Since the 21 century, China´s economic development has entered a new normal, and the driving force of economic development has changed from factor and investment drive to innovation drive. To meet the requirements of the new normal economic development, some complicated traditional enterprises in lines of iron and steel, coal, and aluminum industries, actively promote market-oriented reform, take the market as the guide to reshape the management mechanism, and continuously improve their market adaptability and core competition. YL, the market-oriented performance appraisal mode of the company, we should give full play to the strategic driving role of performance management in the development of the company and lead the traditional enterprises out of the financial predicament as soon as possible.




How to Cite

Xuelian, S. (2020). Market-oriented Performance Appraisal Model of Traditional Enterprises with Financial Dilemma —A case study of YL company. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(10).