Analysis of the Management of disposal of Antibiotics in Health Units in Amazonas


  • Vanessa Martins Fernandes Pinheiro
  • Jerônimo da Silva Lameira
  • Daniel Augusto de Andrade Pinheiro
  • Erika Dávila Cardoso Cardoso
  • Tamily Alencar Fontes de Freitas


Disposal of Medicines, Disposal – Environment, Environmental Education, Environmental health


The residues generated by the disposal of medicines are present, both in the terrestrial and in the aquatic environment, generating impacts, from the morphological alteration of fish to the appearance of bacteria super-resistant to antibiotics. In view of the social scenario, it is essential to implement an environmental education, through the adoption of public actions aimed at preserving the environment. In this work, the environmental impacts of drug disposal will be analyzed with the pharmacy and nursing professionals registered with the regional councils: Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF - AM) and Regional Nursing Council (COREN - AM), in December 2018 a January 2019. A survey carried out among the types of drugs most consumed and discarded by pharmacists and nurses registered with CRF - AM and COREN – AM. The effect of making the population aware of the disposal of medicines by pharmacists and nurses registered with their respective regional councils was evaluted in order to propose the environmental impact generated by the disposal of medicines in the environment. Finally, the socio-demographic profile of pharmacists and nurses registered with CRF - AM and COREN-AM was evalueted through interview questionnaire form.




How to Cite

Pinheiro, V. M. F., Lameira, J. da S., Pinheiro, D. A. de A., Cardoso, E. D. C., & Freitas, T. A. F. de. (2020). Analysis of the Management of disposal of Antibiotics in Health Units in Amazonas. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(10).