Reuse of waste from the manufacture of the granilite floor


  • Leonardo Nilo de Souza
  • Angelo Ricardo Balduino


Cement, concrete, granilite, recycling


The purpose of this article is to seek a use for the waste obtained through the reuse of the waste from the breakdown of granilite. In order to become a more economical and beneficial option for use in the mortar mix. The tests were carried out at the Civil Construction Laboratory of the Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antonio Carlos, ITPAC-Porto in Porto Nacional, Tocantins. Granilite rejects were added in percentages of 5, 10 and 15 in traces of mortar idealized for plastering the wall, then tested and analyzed, where the objective was to develop a resistance equal or superior to that of a conventional mortar, working at a lower cost and evolving into a new mortar additive for plastering purposes.




How to Cite

de Souza, L. N., & Balduino, A. R. (2020). Reuse of waste from the manufacture of the granilite floor. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(11).