Laws of heat radiation from spherical gas volumes. Part II. Modeling of heat radiation from volume bodies by radiation from spherical and cylindrical gas volumes


  • Prof. Dr. A. N. Makarov


Scientific Disclosure, Laws, Heat radiation, Torch, Fuel Use Efficiency


The results stemming from mathematical modeling of radiation from gas volumes of torches of furnaces, fire boxes, combustion chambers by spherical and cylindrical gas volumes are presented. The calculation results in the simulation of torches by cylindrical and spherical gas volumes differ by 0,4-2,3%. The calculation of radiation fluxes from torch on a heated product and burner throat in changing the length of the torch is performed, the results from the calculation are given. The density of radiation flux from torch on the burner throat and the burner increases with decreasing the torch length. The calculation results are confirmed by experimental data. Using the laws of radiation from cylindrical and spherical gas volumes, the laws of Makarov and method for calculation heat transfer in furnaces, fire boxes, combustion chambers, developed on their basis, allow to improve exploited and projected flares, improve capacity utilization of fuel in furnaces from 20-45% to 55 -65%, reduce fuel consumption in many countries, development pressure on the environment.







How to Cite

Makarov, P. D. A. N. (2020). Laws of heat radiation from spherical gas volumes. Part II. Modeling of heat radiation from volume bodies by radiation from spherical and cylindrical gas volumes. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 4(3).