Performance of Social Educators in the institutional Reception of Children and Adolescents


  • Brena Karolaine de Souza Leal
  • Keliane Mideli Costa Mamede
  • Marília Cruz Rocha
  • Regicleide Ribeiro do Bonfim
  • Samara Angel Matias de Assunção
  • Rosiane Rocha Oliveira Santos


Institutional Reception, Children and Adolescents, Social educator.


The present work is part of the results obtained and presented in the conclusion work of the Social Work course, whose general objective sought to analyze the performance of social educators who work in institutional care for children and adolescents. The study consisted of two stages, the first being a bibliographic survey on the subject, and the second stage launched a field research at a host institution in Petrolina-PE to analyze the formative aspects that permeate the practice of social educators who work in the institution. We identified that there is a need for better qualification of social educators, due to the lack of public policies aimed at this field.




How to Cite

Souza Leal, B. K. de, Mamede, K. M. C., Rocha, M. C., Bonfim, R. R. do, Assunção, S. A. M. de, & Santos, R. R. O. (2020). Performance of Social Educators in the institutional Reception of Children and Adolescents. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12).