Hybrid Teaching: Teaching-Learning Process by Technological Tools, Challenges and Possibilities


  • José Genilson Romão Neto
  • Maria Erilúcia Cruz Macêdo


Educational practices, Hybrid Teaching, Educational contemporaneity


Much is discussed about the effective use of electronic devices along the internet to develop educational practices in school environments, as well as, extend this action to create a relationship network for the external area and establishing a practical and productive communication to build this process of such singularity. and importance in the lives of so many people. In this scenario, it is extremely important to understand the challenges and possibilities that Hybrid Teaching in its implementation can contribute to the development of students' integral learning . In this context, this study has the general objective of reflecting and researching the challenges of contemporary education ,comprises ing the dynamics that the hybrid teaching involves the teachers and student demonstrations as a nonlinear and highly active process. This study becomes considerable since it portrays a highly considerable level of relevance, consequently generating benefits for a promising educational future and its pedagogical aspects. However, the study was supported by a bibliographic research , which is based on references published in magazines, periodicals, books, allowing to establish a sum in order to enrich the research , which , in turn, is a way for researchers to interact about what has already been studied . This research presented a call for great reflections and a healthy debate about the great results that can emerge with the implementation of hybrid education. Theories committed to the radical change that education needs, the challenges imposed and possible to be overcome and the need for partnership with the technologies.




How to Cite

Neto, J. G. R., & Macêdo, M. E. C. (2020). Hybrid Teaching: Teaching-Learning Process by Technological Tools, Challenges and Possibilities. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2876