CO2 Capture and Storage: Property Rights overview in Brazil


  • Isabela Morbach
  • Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa


CO2, CCS, public choices, property rights


Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) emergesas one of the possible alternatives for managing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and consequently maintaining the temperature increase on the planet within acceptable limits. Along these lines, the definition of property rights and legal implications arising from it is understood as relevant. The present work aims to analyze how the legislation in force in Brazil treats the ownership rights of CO2 in the context of CCS activities, especially in the storage phase.The methodology is based on the literature review and the deduction of legislation, in addition, the qualitative method is adopted. The results show that at the current level of Brazilian legislation, the delimitation of the property rights under study will take place through political decisions, later, to be insculpiated in norms.




How to Cite

Morbach, I., & Costa, H. K. de M. (2020). CO2 Capture and Storage: Property Rights overview in Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12).