Reflections about the Relevance of Graffiti and Mural Painting in the Current Architectural Scenario


  • Mariela Camargo Masutti
  • Maria Aparecida Santana Camargo


Artistic Expression, Elitization, Language, Urban Intervention


The research that follows has as main objective to promote reflections about the relevance that mural painting, through graffiti, has been developing in the current scenario not only of urbanism, but also of architecture. There is a remarkable excitement in the market for this urban art, which has been conquering more and more space as art in galleries, museums and other spaces. What is perceived is the elitization and appreciation of what was once considered just an illegal expression of the less favored classes. It is also important to analyze that there is a gap between graffiti-art and delinquent graffiti, which are opposite positions with different plastic results. The finding is that graffiti is being increasingly coveted by the art industry that aims to win over new admirers and collectors, and the exploration of this practice has gradually grown in the areas of interior / exterior architecture, product design, advertising and advertising and fashion.




How to Cite

Masutti, M. C., & Camargo, M. A. S. (2020). Reflections about the Relevance of Graffiti and Mural Painting in the Current Architectural Scenario. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12).