Structuring Strategic Planning in a Public Organization: Application of the balanced Scorecard Method


  • Eliane Moura da Silva
  • Edilson Ferreira Calandrine
  • Walda Cleoma Lopes Valente dos Santos
  • Tatiana da Silva Mendes
  • Fagnei Ivison Correa Carvalho
  • Silvia Ferreira Nunes


Strategic planninG, Public sector, Professional Practice Management


Objective: this research aims to describe the process of implementing the Balanced Scorecard Method (BSC) in the Strategic Planning of Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará (FSCMPA). Method: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study of document analysis. Result / discussion: it was possible to achieve with the BSC-based planning the definition of indicators and goals for management, construction and implementation of the institutional vision of mission, vision and value. Conclusion: the BSC presented an ordering of preexisting concepts and ideas in a logical, objective and intelligent way to increasingly strengthen the quality and patient safety policy and the hospital care policy with a focus on the constant search for excellence in care centered on person.




How to Cite

da Silva, E. M., Calandrine, E. F., dos Santos, W. C. L. V., Mendes, T. da S., Carvalho, F. I. C., & Nunes, S. F. (2021). Structuring Strategic Planning in a Public Organization: Application of the balanced Scorecard Method. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(1).