Production of an Innovative Tool for the active search of women as a factor of effectiveness in the screening for Cervical Neoplasms: Experience Report


  • Adrielly Cristiny Mendonça Fonseca
  • Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro
  • Marivaldo de Moraes e Silva
  • Beatriz dos Santos Silva
  • Thais do Socorro Botelho de Lima e Silva
  • Rafael Augusto Jesus Arruda
  • Ana Paula Silva Feio
  • Marcelo Antony Dantas de Veiga Cabral
  • Igor Almeida Teixeira da Silva de Figueiredo
  • Lucas Oliveira de Souza
  • Jakeline Lima da Costa Marchezini
  • Iasmim Rodrigues Salvador
  • Bruno Rodrigues Salvador
  • Gabriela Mutran dos Anjos
  • Samuel da Silva Ribeiro
  • Francisco Miguel da Silva Freitas
  • Bertho Vinícius Rocha Nylander
  • Larissa Borges da Costa Kalume
  • Victoria Moraes Perinazzo
  • Raphaela Thais Santana Pinheiro
  • Chrisley Rhuan Quintão de Oliveira
  • Adrianne Raposo Ponte
  • Antonio Aécio de Miranda Lima Junior
  • Sávio José Barbosa Rocha
  • Anna Karynna Barbosa Gomes
  • Anne Letice Soares Braga
  • Naiane da Silva Sousa
  • Érica Aquino da Silva
  • Érika Patrícia Oliveira de Oliveira
  • Fernanda Cristina Silva da Silva
  • Juliana Alves de Siqueira
  • Bárbara Hellen da Silva Azevedo
  • Shirley Aviz de Miranda


Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Papanicolaou Test, Disease Prevention, Innovation, Women's Health


Objective: to report on the experience of developing an innovative tool that facilitated the process of actively seeking women as an efficacy factor in the screening for cervical neoplasms. Method: it is a descriptive study, type of experience report, carried out by nursing and medical students from Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in the city of Belém do Pará / Brazil on the experience of building a facilitating tool aimed at preventing cervical cancer. Thus, for the elaboration of the innovative active search tool, three moments were necessary: I- Data collection, II- Operative plan and III - Construction of the tool, in addition to the applicability of technology in women's health care. Results: It was noticed that with the elaboration of innovative technology, the old tool, the record book, is outdated, due to the fact that it offers a discontinuity of care to women who undergo the exam. In addition, the development of this new tool allowed the clarity and agility of monitoring each woman, it allowed to quantify the number of women who take the exam and to know the reasons for not taking the exam. Conclusion: The study showed that with organization and dedication, it is possible that the greatest number of women undergo cytopathological examination of the uterine cervix, as an effective method of prevention and early detection of CC. It is worth mentioning the importance of disease prevention actions through innovative technologies that facilitate health care and, thus, promote continuous and holistic care.




How to Cite

Fonseca, A. C. M., Monteiro, D. L. C., Moraes e Silva, M. de, Santos Silva, B. dos, Lima e Silva, T. do S. B. de, Arruda, R. A. J., Feio, A. P. S., Veiga Cabral, M. A. D. de, Silva de Figueiredo, I. A. T. da, Souza, L. O. de, Marchezini, J. L. da C., Salvador, I. R., Salvador, B. R., dos Anjos, G. M., Silva Ribeiro, S. da, Silva Freitas, F. M. da, Nylander, B. V. R., Kalume, L. B. da C., Perinazzo, V. M., … Miranda, S. A. de. (2021). Production of an Innovative Tool for the active search of women as a factor of effectiveness in the screening for Cervical Neoplasms: Experience Report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(1).