Palliative care Oncology Patient and Nursing Look in Integral Care Perspective and Death: Study Conducted in a public hospital in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Northern Brazil


  • Carla Cristina dos Santos
  • Aline Dias Aranha
  • Debora Viana Fonseca
  • Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto
  • José Arilson de Souza
  • Lucicleia Barreto Queiroz


Palliative Care, Nursing, Patient, Oncology


The general objective of this research is to know the perception of the nursing team on palliative care in oncology in a State Public Hospital in the city of Porto Velho - Rondônia. In order to understand the perception and experience of nursing staff in palliative care to patients in a Unity Medical Clinic I, I was chosen by a descriptive research with bibliographical research and field methods with prospective approach, supported by qualitative approach and subsidized by the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty perception. The study results show nurses that come in palliative care take care of one action based on the need to offer comfort and control the physical pain of patients in terminal stage of life, promoting humanized care that integrates not only this patient but also his family, offering support during the difficult time in which both are going through. These professionals reveal feelings of powerlessness due to the inevitable prognosis of patients in the terminal phase. However, when watching this population, these students take care to cover the practical assistance and the quest to meet basic human needs of the patient. Based on the analysis of evidence obtained in the present study, it was possible to demonstrate the relevance of the research topic and the need to expand the knowledge with respect to palliative care, so that nursing and the whole multidisciplinary team of health to enjoy this and transforming rich medium therapy.




How to Cite

dos Santos, C. C., Aranha, A. D., Fonseca, D. V., da Luz Neto, L. S., de Souza, J. A., & Barreto Queiroz, L. (2021). Palliative care Oncology Patient and Nursing Look in Integral Care Perspective and Death: Study Conducted in a public hospital in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Northern Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(1).