Diagnosis of the Knowledge of Students and Professors About Environmental Education - Case Study.


  • Luiz Henrique de Souza Silva
  • Daniele de Castro Pessoa de Melo
  • Eduardo Antonio Maia Lins
  • Luís Filipe Alves Cordeiro
  • Wanderson dos Santos Sousa


Education, Environment, Federal Institution


The objective of this work was to investigate the treatment of the theme Environmental education in a transversal way with the students of the 1st periods of the courses of Buildings and Integrated Sanitation of the IFPE (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco) - Campus Recife, under the perspective of awareness of these students, with mathematics as an important aid tool. The survey took place in July and August 2020, where questionnaires were applied through Google Forms to 80 students. In a second step, another form was sent to the teaching segment, in a total of 50 questionnaires. The questions addressed in the questionnaires to students led to points such as the perception of the existence of environmental problems, also seeking to analyze the degree of understanding of students in relation to mathematics as a support to environmental education. Subsequently, tabulation, statistical treatment and analysis of the data obtained through descriptive statistics were performed. The results revealed that a significant portion of the students came to understand that the environmental issue is not only a matter of nature, but also of society. Although, it should be noted that some of them can better understand what an environmental problem is than fully understand what the environment is. As for the professors, they demonstrated to relate to the current reality of the planet, however, a portion of this segment suggests that the structure of work to approach the theme is not so adequate.




How to Cite

de Souza Silva, L. H., Pessoa de Melo, D. de C., Maia Lins, E. A., Cordeiro, L. F. A., & Sousa, W. dos S. (2021). Diagnosis of the Knowledge of Students and Professors About Environmental Education - Case Study. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(2). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3177