Systematization of nursing assistance to a newborn with congenital malformation – Experience report


  • Fernando Conceição de Lima
  • Mercês Rodrigues Ferreira
  • Ana Flávia Silva dos Anjos
  • Tatiane de Souza Vasconcelos
  • Weber Marcos
  • Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes Ueno
  • Laydiane Martins Pinto
  • Matheus Almeida Ramalho
  • Vírginea Mercês Lara Pessoa Oliveira
  • Marcos Miranda Rodrigues
  • Letícia Diogo de Oliveira Moura
  • Mayara Melo Galvão
  • Jaqueline Cardoso Marcena
  • Cassia Lobo Lima
  • Paulo Henrique Guedes do Amaral
  • Patrícia Oliveira Bezerra
  • Patrícia Oliveira Bezerra
  • Fabíola Leonir Moreira Campos


Nursing, Nursing Process, Congenital Abnormalities


Objective: to report the experience of applying nursing care systematization to a Newborn with congenital malformation. Methods: This is a descriptive study, like an experience report. The sample selection followed the non-probabilistic criterion, where the participant was included in the study for convenience. The Nursing Care Systematization was applied to a Newborn with indication for cesarean delivery due to premature amniorrexis and polydramnium and presenting congenital malformation mainly in the face region and who was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a teaching hospital reference in maternal and child health in the City of Belem-PA/ Brazil. To build this report, if needed-five times: at first, there was a knowledge of the pregnancy story acts l of the mother, the second time, created a care plan, not the third time, were applied the Nursing Diagnostics of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I), in the fourth moment, the Expected Results were demonstrated, finally, in the fifth, the pertinent nursing prescriptions were scored. Results: Patient followed in critical condition, monitored, sedated and under the care of a multidisciplinary team in palliative care because his clinical picture with anomalies incompatible with life after the end of the stage, it was reported that the infant died. Conclusion: The Systematization of Nursing Assistance made it possible to plan the creation of a care plan geared specifically to meet the user's demands, through the listed nursing problems, providing quality in the development of care and user satisfaction.




How to Cite

de Lima, F. C., Rodrigues Ferreira, M., dos Anjos, A. F. S., Vasconcelos, T. de S., Marcos, W., Lopes Ueno, T. M. R., Martins Pinto, L., Ramalho, M. A., Oliveira, V. M. L. P., Rodrigues, M. M., Oliveira Moura, L. D. de, Galvão, M. M., Marcena, J. C., Lima, C. L., do Amaral, P. H. G., Bezerra, P. O., Bezerra, P. O., & Campos, F. L. M. (2021). Systematization of nursing assistance to a newborn with congenital malformation – Experience report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(2).