The 5s Program in School Spaces a Proposal For Quality Improvement


  • Lilyan Santarém Rocha
  • Marden Eufrasio dos Santos
  • David Barbosa de Alencar
  • Milton Fonseca Junior
  • Ivan Leandro Rico Rodriguez
  • Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento


In an increasingly competitive market, companies have shown a constant interest in improving their processes. In this sense, the 5S program is a tool that addresses these issues of process quality, promoting organization of spaces, elimination of waste and optimization of time. In this perspective, this study proposes the implementation of the 5S program in a private elementary school in the city of Manaus-AM, in order to optimize the spaces to improve its use, to develop a sense of organization in school employees and to promote the efficiency of quality of services provided. This research was based on the qualitative approach and used the case study as a methodology. The tools used were the 5s Program, the Ishikawa tool, the Brainstorming and a questionnaire. The result showed that the 5s program can promote quality in the processes, optimization of the physical space of the school secretariat that was the scenario of application of the program and the personal development of the collaborators.







How to Cite

Rocha, L. S., Santos, M. E. dos, Alencar, D. B. de, Junior, M. F., Rodriguez, I. L. R., & Nascimento, M. H. R. (2019). The 5s Program in School Spaces a Proposal For Quality Improvement. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).