Practices and Costumes of Ribeirin Mothers in the Care of the Newborn


  • Fernanda Karolyne Cunha Souza
  • Fabia Matos Menezes
  • Fernanda Farias da Silva
  • Rogério Leite Bandeira
  • Cristiane de Melo Figueiredo
  • Clemilda Alves da Silva
  • Tayse de Oliveira Freitas
  • Beatriz Silva Barbosa
  • Rafaela Moura de Araújo
  • Luana da Silva Freitas
  • Lisandra Cristina Barbosa
  • Márcia Souza Henriques
  • Daiane de Jesus Silva Farias Maia
  • Rita de Cássia Góes Brabo
  • Lorena de Paula de Souza Barros
  • João Augusto do Carmo Cardoso
  • Karoline Nobre de Lima
  • Luana Baía Menezes
  • Jessica Soares Barbosa
  • Nágilda de Carvalho Pinto
  • Giselda Vitelli Rodrigues
  • Caio Israel Rodrigues dos Santos


riverside mothers, PNSIPCFA, FHS, Newborn


Objective: To analyze the practices and customs of riverside mothers in the care of their newborn children in the municipality of Barcarena, state of Pará, northern Brazil. Method: descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, carried out with eight mothers of children under five years old in a Family Health Strategy in the municipality of Barcarena-PA. The content analysis proposed by Bardin was used for the treatment of the data. Result: The popular care practices used by mothers are based on customs acquired and passed on from generation to generation, such as teas, home remedies, blessings and baths, which despite the influence of the urban way of life being gradually inserted into the community, we observed that this cultural trait was not lost and allowed us to value cultural similarities and differences, accepting and valuing their cultures. Conclusion: We hope that the results obtained in this research can be used in the training of future nurses who want to work with riverside populations and that serve as a subsidy in promoting culturally appropriate assistance respecting the mothers' local knowledge in the care of their children.







How to Cite

Souza, F. K. C., Menezes, F. M., Silva, F. F. da, Bandeira, R. L., Figueiredo, C. de M., Silva, C. A. da, Freitas, T. de O., Barbosa, B. S., Araújo, R. M. de, Freitas, L. da S., Barbosa, L. C., Henriques, M. S., Farias Maia, D. de J. S., Brabo, R. de C. G., Souza Barros, L. de P. de, Carmo Cardoso, J. A. do, Lima, K. N. de, Menezes, L. B., Barbosa, J. S., … dos Santos, C. I. R. (2021). Practices and Costumes of Ribeirin Mothers in the Care of the Newborn. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).