Performance of Sustainable Building Fabric to Replace the Traditional Cavity Wall Technique for New Housing Sector in the UK


  • Dyaa Hassan
  • Abdussalam Shibani
  • Araz Agha
  • Said Al Sharqi


Sustainable Building, Housing Sector, construction industry, Greenhouse gas emissions


UK Government confirms the important binding targets to promote low carbon construction industry such as enhancing reduction 34% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. This reduction can be adopted by different way for instance mitigating the energy use in houses. Huge numbers of houses were annually built in construction industry, In England and Wales more than 160,000 houses are built in 2017 therefore, Promoting the improvement through airtight and insulated in building envelope can lead to high energy consumption reduction. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is considered a significant part that related to the energy consumption requirements in terms of the operational energy of houses in United Kingdom. Reducing the energy demands can be achieved through using building materials and operational energy. Construction methods of construction can also provide impacts on the energy demands of building in terms of the materials that used during construction. Five methods of construction were selected to examine their performance in terms of the thermal resistance and factors that could affect acceptability in construction industry. The methodology was identified the behaviour of thermal performance for each method of construction through using cases study methods of previous cavity walls manufacturer. The acceptability of construction methods was carried out by collecting data of community. The main objective was to find out the optimal system of construction methods that could minimise the operational energy whilst providing comfortable houses energy.







How to Cite

Hassan, D., Shibani, A., Agha, A., & Sharqi, S. A. (2021). Performance of Sustainable Building Fabric to Replace the Traditional Cavity Wall Technique for New Housing Sector in the UK. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).