Infrastructure and Health: An analysis of Atlas date in the city of Petrolina-PE


  • Elielma Santana Fernandes
  • Wellington Dantas de Sousa
  • Carla Saturnina Ramos de Moura
  • Rosimeire Morais Cardeal Simão
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Jorge Luis Cavalcanti Ramos
  • Helder Ribeiro Freitas


Development, Environment, Social Vulnerability, System R.


Analyzing the conditions of infrastructure, health and social vulnerability of a municipality allows to know its weaknesses and enhance decision-making by managers and civil society. Given the above, this article aimed to analyze the conditions of infrastructure and health and their correlations with social vulnerability in the city of Petrolina-PE, in 2010. To this end, the study used quantitative analysis as a methodology through the graphical interface of the Statistical Program R, with data on infrastructure and health from the Atlas of Social Vulnerability being collected. The municipality of Petrolina-PE, currently with 350 thousand inhabitants, is located in the Sertão de Pernambuco, Northeast region of Brazil and is part of the Integrated Administrative Development Region (RIDE) of the Petrolina and Juazeiro Complex. After analyzing the Municipal Human Development Index; per carpita income; the percentage of people in households with inadequate water supply and sanitation; mortality up to 5 years of age; the population that lives in urban households without the garbage collection service; and the vulnerability index of urban infrastructure and human capital, the research findings indicated, in general, that the housing units in Petrolina have a low correlation between the population of each unit and the infrastructure index, thus, it was noted that the management model needs improvement to promote development and reduce inequalities.







How to Cite

Fernandes, E. S., Sousa, W. D. de, de Moura, C. S. R., Simão, R. M. C., Ribeiro de Oliveira, L. M. S., Ramos, J. L. C., & Freitas, H. R. (2021). Infrastructure and Health: An analysis of Atlas date in the city of Petrolina-PE. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).