Intecfatec: Innovative Entrepreneurship Focused on Surveying, Rescuing and Maintaining Actions Involving Companies and People Participating in Projects of This Nature


  • Adriano Carlos Moraes Rosa
  • Any Moraes Rosa
  • Vanessa Cristhina Gatto
  • Katia Cristina Cota Mantovani
  • Sergio Augusto Siqueira


Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, INTECFATEC, Projects


Small businesses account for more than a quarter of Brazil's Gross Domestic Product, and together, the more than 10 million micro and small enterprises in the country account for 30% of this GDP, and by 2022, Brazil will have about 17.7 million small businesses. In partnership with universities, companies and public authorities, people present ideas that will guarantee them the first steps towards entrepreneurship and innovation, providing an experience that, given talent, effort and even "luck", will bring success to realize your dream business. The Paula Souza Center in its ETECs and FATECs, holds every six months several of these projects, initiatives or ideas, whose purpose is to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation for small businesses. Lots of projects are selected and remain within a support structure, however, some are not chosen for "training", others are neglected by the authors who give up undertaking and others persist until the end, but faced with other priorities, simply end. Thus, using exploratory, bibliographic, documentary and field research (survey) were adopted to understand, rescue, and encourage projects, establishing a "support" to the student, former student or member of the community who has, had, or wants to have a project of an entrepreneurial nature. The authors sought to study and partially map an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship between FATECs and ETECs located in the Paraíba Valley, verifying incentive programs to generate feedback for those involved and interested.







How to Cite

Rosa, A. C. M., Rosa, A. M., Gatto, V. C., Mantovani, K. C. C., & Siqueira, S. A. (2021). Intecfatec: Innovative Entrepreneurship Focused on Surveying, Rescuing and Maintaining Actions Involving Companies and People Participating in Projects of This Nature. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).