Health and Science in pandemic times: Narrative review


  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins
  • Elidiane de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Nadja da Fonseca Veloso
  • Antônia Roberta Mitre Sampaio
  • Rodrigo Batista Balieiro
  • Luceme Martins Silva
  • Mayra Carolina de Carvalho
  • Waldiene Xavier Ferreira
  • Talita Barros Martins
  • Dulcilene Ferreira Melo
  • Solino Ansberto Coutinho Júnior
  • Adryanne Alyce Carvalho Prata
  • Anna Karolina Paixão Benjamim
  • Maiza Silva Sousa
  • Karen Alessandra de Jesus Cuimar
  • Ana Paula de Souza Mendes
  • Lucivaldo Almeida Alves
  • Juciane Sousa Dias
  • Paulo Victor Caldas Soares
  • Alda Lima Lemos
  • Thamyres da Silva Martins
  • Lauro Vicente Marron da Silva Filho
  • Soraya Galvão Martins
  • Bruno Vinicius da Costa Silva
  • Taynnara de Oliveira do Espírito Santo Cunha
  • Rosângela Lima da Silva
  • Angélica Menezes Bessa Oliveira
  • Luana Estumano Longhi Bastos
  • Adriane Maria Bezerra da Silva
  • José Henrique Santos Silva
  • Deliane Silva de Souza
  • Adriana Lorena Sena de Lima
  • Francisco Josivandro Chaves de Oliveira
  • Midiã Silva Pereira
  • Anderson Lineu Siqueira dos Santos
  • Tatyellen Natasha da Costa Oliveira
  • Emerson Glauber Abreu dos Santos
  • Paula Carolina Lima de Aviz
  • Mário Roberto Tavares Cardoso de Albuque
  • JacklineLeite de Oliveira
  • Wilker Silva Alve
  • Gustavo Freitas Souza Menezes
  • Brisa da Silva Lopes
  • Emanuelle Silva Mendes
  • Rayssa de Carvalho Baptista
  • Camila Cristina Girard Santos
  • Glauce Simey Medeiros da Silva
  • Fernanda Araujo Trindade
  • Lidiane de Nazaré Noronha Ferreira Baia
  • Alan Douglas Lopes Flores
  • Tayana Patrícia Santana Oliveira de Sá
  • Jaqueline China Silva Cunha
  • Angélica Pereira da Rocha


COVID-19, Health, Science


Objective: This study aimed to describe the aspects related to health and science during the pandemic caused by Sars-Cov-2. Method: It is a narrative review through the search for articles in the scientific databases, published from January 2020 to January 2021. For the treatment of the data, the technique of content analysis with categorization of the findings was used four complete original articles were selected that answer the central question of the research and organized according to the content of their evidence, distributed in five categories. Results: The analysis of the literature highlights important points such as the negative impact of false news on science, interdisciplinarity and its benefits on science and public health, the funding of Science to combat Sars-Cov-2, the safety of scientists in research during the pandemic and vaccine hesitancy. Discussion: It was found that in view of the crisis generated by Covid-19, it was clear to various sectors of society that only science is capable of finding a solution and shows itself as a hope for all humanity, since she is the only one able to find a vaccine and treatment for the New Coronavirus. Conclusion: Furthermore, it is concluded that scientists will certainly generate the necessary knowledge to face the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as subsidize public policies that will organize health care, reduce inequities and enable comprehensive care to patients.







How to Cite

Souza Martins, A. C. G., Ribeiro, E. de C., Veloso, N. da F., Sampaio, A. R. M., Balieiro, R. B., Silva, L. M., Carvalho, M. C. de, Ferreira, W. X., Martins, T. B., Melo, D. F., Júnior, S. A. C., Prata, A. A. C., Benjamim, A. K. P., Sousa, M. S., Jesus Cuimar, K. A. de, Souza Mendes, A. P. de, Alves, L. A., Dias, J. S., Soares, P. V. C., … Rocha, A. P. da. (2021). Health and Science in pandemic times: Narrative review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).